

The old, Mexican calm plays our song.
The players get up and sing our song.

Dos almas, dos personas, dos historias.
Pero solamente un momento pero solamente la luna está brillando.
Pero solamente nosotros estamos cantando para estos dos amantes.

We keep dancing...we keep moving.
An old, Italian woman stands up and she sings.
She sings because of us...only us.

Sugli alti mari, c'è una nave.
Una barca di amore.
E due amanti che ballano su di esso.
Le due anime che si amano.

So they keep dancing...
Only two hands and a voise from Portugal
seems to be with them.

Ele viu o seu há muito tempo atrás.
Ela o viu. Era sobre esse barco.
Era amor.
Ame nada mais apenas metters.

Et c'était le moment magique. Tout était là. La signification était fausse. Il a dit en anglais. Elle a dit en chinois. Mais ils ont compris parfaire-vous.

Und da war schon der Anfang. Die Liebe erbluete, der Moment verschwand, doch neue werden folgen - in anderen Laendern, in anderen Sprachen...

But the language of love was the only one that they need!

1 comment:

Clan ZOC said...

I think not one of this languages you have written without mistakes???