
boon and bane

Pevaj, druže, nek se vrate dani I negdašnje naše zore plam. Nek poljupcem ona druge hrani, Preživelo đubre, divni šljam Ljubomoran - zar da sam na tebe? Zar ovakvog da me snađe jad? Naš život je - postelja i ćebe Naš je život - poljubac i pad. Pevaj, pevaj! Ruke neka mašu: Kobni zamah - kobi će doneti … Čuj … nek idu svi u … pivsku flašu … Nikad, druže, ja neću umreti. (Sergej A. Jesenjin)

You harlot, frigging strumpet, woman, you beautyful woman, you damn creature, whose fortune she is now, this little, cute, blond waste, litter of my life...

So many years just trown away, lavished moments, but I will not kill myself in alcohol and pain because of one hussy,
of a scraped girl, that I love so much more than ever,
I hate you whore and I love you forever!


Anonymous said...

Is this RUSKI JEZIK over the poem?

Clan ZOC said...

I like this poem, too! But for me it does not look like russian language. It s probably yugoslaw???