

there is a finger above the other once,
there is a hand more important than the other one,
there is a situation 
a place
a moment
makes me wonder...

does any one remember the good  news???
there is a finger saying
the hand is following 
just a moment
this one right now - why not?


Moja si

Moja si
vise od toga
moje ste


Sta vise reci?

Moja si
nisi ni znala
ni slutila
al moja si

i onda

moje ste
vas dvije

vas troje
vas hmmmm

Moje ste
Moji-a ste,
bez cekanja..


People R a bunch of a cow

eating, sniffing, drinking,
or any other whatever...inging

but mostly...
still eating

And people are eatable as well?

I still prefer vegetables - at least they do not kill each other over useless stuff  


Post title

the meaning of life - it is quite simple
it means you
it means I
but looking at the present, the future or even the past
it actually means nothing
 at the very moment of NOW
it means just you
and it means just I.

And sometimes if we dare to admit 
it means just us and it means just WE.



the mirrow and us/we/them/and/the/others/means everything - in real nothing 01(point one)

rain outside
green everywhere (in my place)
everything you should know about existence 
it do exist (in my place)
but not for all of you

having long hair is good
having it short is cute
in the end depends of the person wearing it (hmmm)
more the people looking at the one (one)

why do we accept  that stars are named by people discovering them ?
and all the other things?
My continent is called "Echo"
My star is called "Sprinkling I hope so"

I have no religion
I have no nationality 
I have even never been born (all this in my place)
because (I guess) I understood 
the meaning of playing an instrument (as it should be played)
because I am one and all of it
and none at the same time
and I got some good news
the real one
the wine one
the non colored one
the only one
the imaginable one
the one
and then there was two


My mother never eat an apple
she did eat a pear
and my continent is still called "Echo"
and I still remain the hope so one or two (quite difficult hum-belt sort of thinking) 
but it is a word- and nothing more or less... = + = / 5

my cat do not care
the rain do not care
the nature do not care
even LED ZEP do not care
so why do we? care?
do we?
WE do not ;)
at least not for more than a day.

IN MY PLACE some of us do (Not I hope so)
there is the one "no go" and the "join" who want to go and the "wind blow" one  and the "whisper" on
and the "one join to go" ant the "relative one ego" and the "one one go" "one" and the "two" one and the so who give the ...one
 Every time it rains outside (if you get the point)
it means life 

so why do we care?

 $ € § £ & @

sorry for the B word
an it is raining outside
think twice
and happy new stairway to 2017






in deep sorrow
a child is looking at me,
not starring, just observing,
a thought about life
i can borrow
in this gray sunny day
full of deep sorrow.

but nothing more my friend.

tortured mind might be calm by constant sorrow,
otherwise there is this little glass of emptiness,
i have no friends to help me out,
  children eyes steps out in front of me,
perhaps you die trying,
perhaps you never die,
and perhaps you might even got a smile,
it will help you at least
or just a little while...

stripes red and white, legs, a face, a look,
nothing yet written in that book,
the book of your life, of mine of... but why,
the life is shy,
to be liven
to be surprise,
at least there is sorrow.

it might seen dark my friend,
but there is light everywhere,
at least in the barbie land :)


Nichts zu verlieren

um mir ein gedicht vorzustellen, schließe ich die augen - wieso - ? - weil ich ein mann bin, (denke ich mal), weil ich im dunkeln das licht sehen kann - besser gesagt spüren kann.
was erstaunlich ist und was nicht wirklich ein sinn macht ist wie tief man etwas empfinden kann.
leider werden das nicht alle unter euch (den sterblichen da draußen) so empfinden / verstehen / deuten usw....
Ein Lichtschatten streift die Dunkelheit in meinem Zimmer
Ein Käfig ist vor mir - Spielzeug ist drinnen.
Das Bild einer alten Frau an der Wand kann Man nicht sehen.
Und die Tür ist offen  :)

so könnte das Gedicht anfangen - denn das befindet sich vor mir. nun aber stellen wir uns vor das es regnet, es ist dunkel, sagen wir halb dunkel - das licht kommt vom zimmer nebenan und die tuer ist ja offen. es ist nicht zu spaet, es ist nicht zu frueh - nehmen wir an es ist genau richtig und vor mir befindet sich auch ein kinderbett, es ist sommerabend (fast nacht), es ist nicht zu kalt und was will man mehr - also fangen wir nun an-

(fehlt nur noch ein klavier)

Eine Tasse vor mir und Zeitreisen gibt es nicht, oder?
Ist es zu Spät um nochmal von Vorne anzufangen?
  Ist es zu Früh um Fragen zu stellen?
Wann, Wieso, Warum, Weshalb, Wie und Wo bleibt die Wahrheit?
Will Man Diese denn hören, verstehen, sehen, erlauben, erleben oder wahrnehmen
und erleben - leben?
Eine Tasse vor mir und nichts ist verschüttet.
Hat sie Jemand angerührt - ich weiß es nicht. 
Was hat Man verloren? vergessen? verdrängt?
Was ist passiert?
Rette mich nicht, denn am Ende ich habe nichts zu verlieren...
lass mich nicht mehr los (so sagte es einmal der Herbert)...


abschied der cowboys

ob es ernst ist? abschied zu nehmen ist immer ernst und egal im welchem sinne jeder tut es auf seine eigene weise (solange es echt ein abschied ist)... schaut euch das foto genau an und vergesst nicht man nimmt nicht nur abschied, man gibt es auch - also abschied geben solange es noch moeglich ist, ist auch wichtig!

und die stimme klingt so oft weich am telefon...
es ist die zeit mal was zu wagen - wann, wenn nicht heute!!!!


The new life

A new life is scary,
holding a green "mog" in my hand,
counting or waiting - the hours goes by,
 and after a while we do not even ask why...

like ants, like grass, like whatever on this round planet,
moving, breathing, drinking, being,
sometimes loving, sometimes being ourselves,
and sometimes image we were elves...

but the most of the time, the new life is scary
until the death.


beeing myself

once upon a time I wrote something like poems,
maybe not poetry, nor literature and sincerely not art,
just few thoughts of myself,
just a little part...

once upon a time I was myself - the human being,
happy like a cat,
once upon a time I did just what I wanted,
now I am turned up side down like a bat... 

once upon a time there was the other me,
so whatever, so strange, so not me at all,
still happy as ever, maybe even more,
for one is sure,
the today's me is more,
me as i ever was before ;)

ans still happy as a cat!


again one more

one more time - or not
who actually cares?

I like to try wisky
I like to plant "blats"
but who cares"

my cat likes me
and I like my cat
my wife loves me
and I love my wife...
what else there could be?

one more time
not enough words
 to explain what I want to explain!

at the END let's be clear this is not Haiku! just few words, my thought, just letters!
nothing else!


Eart and water and fire and wind song

drawing by François Maleval

I can pray
I can hope
I can live
I can bee,
but can t anything without you!

I am an artist
I am an genius
I have a god-complex
I am the best
I am anything,
but without you I am nothing!

I can fall
I can rise
I can have it
I can loose it
I can die, too
but I can t loose you!

I can do so much
I do nothing
I can think
I can stop
The best I ever do,
I can t stop lovin` you

And what else do a man need?
True love is what him feed!
He just have to understand it...
And I did... it is true,
because I know I love you!!!


To foster a child

Desperately in need
Helpless out there
Someone has to come
to take care of it
and to feed...

Cleaning after,
sometimes it scream
without a reason
there will be laughter...
after all.

Poor little nanny,
there is just few like you,
out there are not many,
maybe you are the only one.

To foster a child,
in a desperate land
called home,
no to everyone...
it is like holding sand,
in the huge wild.

Ride with me,
endless need,
happy, sad, so mad,
crazy, but humdrum,
to be somewhere else,
or just to be.


Morning blues

It was once a drunken morning,
a new planet has been born,
with black coffee, with black sky,
with no love,
so why denie...

When the clock turns around,
the hills were formed,
there was no ground,
the birds were black,
and no way back.

What a stupid morning,
on this planet so old,
a big man s drinking,
he has no hair,
his had was not shaved,
just a little bit bold.

And in the evening,
even during the night,
the sun goes up,
and black becomes light,
a star is shining,
shining so bright.

It is just a song,
soemthing like morning blues.



Not on the left,
No right size...
The bad is bigger,

I pull the trigger,
And what else...

No-one on the right,
sleep well,
sleep tight,
okay, all right.

Still not what it is!
Or what it should be!


stubby wings

What I gained I lost,
what I had I never loose,
What I have lost I never had have!

I can fly, over the stars,
It is just a shortcut to find yourself.
But cut my wings and I will be struggling.
Maybe I will even die.

The perennial night will close the final door,
The furphies will become alive,
a dove will fly,
but what I have imagine, it still will die!

Once I have canopied my thoughts,
once you have sepulchred what I am,
once i am inhumed... just cut off my poor, stubby wings.

What else to tell!


To die

You do die only once!

People that almost died
they did actually not!
They just tried!

When you die - it is over,
No new tries - what you did
you did
now it` s over.

What is next,
non living person know
we invent or guess,
a lot of questions,
a lot of stress...

but why?
we only have to learn to use the time we have... NOW!
so use it - we do not know how!!!

we can try...


strana broj dva

Sviječe sam ugasio, noć je već poodavno stigla, spustila se pred prozore, te takođerzvane penđere, a ja evo sjedim i zoru čutim. Utonuo u san, najljepši na svijetu, jer tebe, svoju dragu ću sniti...

Mada kada se probudim, kada oči otvorim, ja ipak tužan ću biti. Oduvijek ostaje ona stara boljka, ali istinita - bolje je voljeti i ne biti voljen, nego nikada ne voljeti. A osim toga ima i ova nova - odkako je sanjam sve češće, sve više spavam...

Ali tako je naizgled pronaći neću moći.

I odjednom - Jesen je!


na tvojim usnama moje ime biva

Uvijek je teško sve iz ponova, gdje započeti? I ovo mi je škola, ta čudesna pjesma od Gibbonija je tek izašla na radiju kada sam ja razmišljao ovako. Da će sve za manje od pet godina da se promijeni, to tada, te davne 2000 i neke nisam znao.

Toliko toga je rečeno, a onda opet se rodi ta neka nova iskra i onda shvatimo da je toliko toga ostalo ne izrečeno i nekazano. Ipak za tu iskru nije ni čudo, niti sam bio iznenađen, pa jesen je na pragu, čeka, jer poslije ove sedmice će i ljedo da oficijelno pozdravi sve nas (ljubitelje) i onda ga neće biti do naredne godine.

Iskra, pet slova, ona, tri slova, ali pak te dvije riječi skupa i u stomaku mi se sve okreče. Misli odlutaju njoj, ja dozovem njenu sliku u mislima, naravno neku daleko ljepšu verziju i uzvišeniju nego što bi ona ili bilokoja druga to mogle da ikada budu. Ipak u mislima, ja bih mogao to raditi vječno, a ime joj nikada ni ne spomenuti.

Kada pogledam u te ipak nekako nevine oči, ja onda ne vidim ženu, ne lice, nos, glavu, struk, ruke ili šta li već, ja vidim tu ljepotu koja kao da zrači, ipak prolazna. I nepravda je znam što moja nije, samo moja i ničija više.

O jeseni "toliko močna",
o dušo razorena,
o druže Jesenjinu,
davno preminuli,
da li sada sa neba na mene gledaš, češkaš se po kosi i smješiš se,
da li suosječaš?

Na pragu moga srca je toliko imena urezano, pitam se da li će i jedno do samoga srca stići... Ali tada još nije bilo vrijeme da saznam sve ovo što sada znam.

Nisam znao kako, ali poljubit te htjedoh...

*prica iz te davne 2007 godine

Rubovi ili kuti tvojih usana (kako kome volja) su me skoro kao zabranjeno pozivali. Ti si bila toliko mršavija od mene, a ja sam bio tako daleko. Ali šta da radimo?
Da sam ja bio taj neko iz drugog vremena i da nisam bio kao zabranjeno voće, mogli smo se možda skupa i oznojiti.

Sudbina je ipak jedna tako značajna, mada neznačajna tačkica u tome nekom već odnekud ispisanom tekstu što ga životom nazvahsmo. On ipak eto traje, koliko traje, a mi tu baš ništa ne -možemo. Ipak u rijetkim trenutcima sreće, ta tačkica ukoliko nam je naklonjena pozitivno, mi je itekako cijenimo i volimo i šta više uvažavamo.

Kada se meni naklonila ta tačkica nisam je baš htio prihvatiti neznajući da je onaj pokraj tebe ipak bio samo tvoj brat, a ja nisam bio tek jedan više u tom nizu prolaznosti.

Na kraju te ipak odlučih poljubiti i sve zbunjenosti i zablude i pogrešno tumačenje zabranjenog voća su nestale, kao i mnogo proteina, ugljikohidrata i kalorija tih narednih nekoliko života.

Zimska paranoja

Prijatelju stari, evo pricam ti pricu,
inspiracija je dosla tik ono pred kraj zime,
mozda sam ja ostario,
a mozda i zbog promijene klime...

Inace inspiracija za pisanje tik pred jesen dodje,
a proljetnim dolaskom, ista nekako prodje,
mada pisao sam ja i ljeti, ali hajd se toga sjeti?
Sta li mi tek za novu jesen prijeti?

Ni stihovi vise nisu, sto ni prijatelji nisu,
Nista vise nije, kazu i misle da drugi lazu,
pa i ne moze biti kao sto je bilo,
dok smo bili mladi vise se i plesalo i pilo...

Ali to nisu bila neka druga vremena,
ljepsa, manje siva, vise sarena,
ne tece vrijeme, mi starimo, prijatelju stari...
za vremenom marimo, vrijeme za nas ne mari...

Zato sta nama preostalo jeste,
kupiti zirafu, slona i noja
zivjeti svoj zivot, pisati kojesta,
raditi nesto i cekati da prodje ova zimska paranoja!

Hajd zivjeli


just a dream!

Ljudi su na tom koncertu u sred svojih zivota klimali glavama jedne melodije i jednoga glasa, a ja sam ih promatrao, pjevajuci, glasom pustenim, izmedju pauza taj caj od jecma sam trosio kao minute tih ljudi sto me slusaju, ali sta oni vec znaju???

Zivot je veci,
od nas, nas sviju, taj vjecni zivot...
Sta nadjes tvoje je kazu,
ako nadjes pravu ljubav tvoja je, ali...

osmjeh krasi arenu,
niko me ne shvata,
taj osmjeh vjecni...
ma dokle vise?

Sve sto nadjes tvoje je,
tako svugdje kazu,
ali da li citas sitnim slovima ispisanu sudbinu?
zivot je veci od tebe!

Sve sto je tvoje,
samo na cas tvoje je!
sudbina nam na kraju sve krade, a...
mi...svjesni smo tog kraja ove price :)

Opet osmjeh,
ma sta drugo,
taj vjecni osmjeh, sto traje
samo onoliko koliko trajem i ja,

i tu smo
narode moj, fanovi,
carevi i robovi,
svi si, sto svasta jeste, svoji niste...

sve sto nadjes tvoje je,
pa makar i ljubav,
nadat nam se ostaje,
da osjecanja i sjecanja prenosimo gdje god vec, nakon smrti, jer novac, auta i kucu ostavljamo iza sebe....

To je samo moj san,
kao grupe R.E.M.
to sam ja u cosku,
probaj plakati,
ali ako ljubav prenjeti zelis,
nisam bas u to siguran, ali vjerovanje ne gubi,
jer tvoj auto ce ipak ostati iza tebe....

I sve sto nadjes gdje god, tvoje je,
osim ako ne odlucis da ga vratis,
ili ako to nije ipak samo san!!!


2 many

freedom man....
2 many choices
2 many possibilities
2 times to live....
2 times of everything!!!!



tree little words

I don't have to say it out loud
because I will write it down!
And there it will stay forever!
So I don't have to say it out loud,
but to read it to you,
and to mean it...
So I say it out loud!


Gambling dreams

Like a movie,
someone has press hold,
gambling dreams and we keep goin'
trough life, something doin'
and nothing else matters.

One day you live,
the other you die,
where it was you,
it's now a lie,
and everything matters.

What is important,
is not what it will be,
what is forgotten,
was never important,
and importance never matters.

You live trough your life,
you die only once,
you love, you laugh, you dream,
you sleep, and nothing else matters.

And even if it does matter or if not,
for those who stay behind,
those that will follow,
one day or the other,
you will be remembered.

* almost a week ago, I lost someone I loved very much...



taram, taram; tam, tam, tam was the melody
on the top of your lips,
i dream, i felt asleep...

in front of your eyes,
a picture is burning down,
a photo of your only one.

in your dreams
when you sleep,
i will be,
hopefully more than once.

one day, maybe today,
nobody should wish you, want you,
make you awake...

one day, almost everyday,
I will be near,
just by you, to watch you,
to keep you,
to love you.

what else would man want!


Can't Get Enough of You

I have no job and I have no money, too
I post it on blogspot.com,
that is what I do.

I drink no beer, nor wine, too
I write you some words,
that is what I do.

I don't know why, really do not know why,
but I can't get enough of you...
I can't explain how much I love you,
but this is what I do.

and if I get a blues singer to sing it instead of me that would be the right thing!

I get the same old feelin' every time you're here
I feel the change
Somethin' moves
I scream your name

More songtexts at www.oleo.tv

I get the same old feelin' every time you're here
I feel the change
Somethin' moves
I scream your name

More songtexts at www.oleo.tv



I just want to fly, fly, fly,
to fly so high, high, high,
I want to try, not asking why,
not asking when or with who?
I know the answer - it will always be YOU!

I do not want to soloing,
somewhere high in the sky,
I do not want to take a plane,
with so many unknown strangers,
I want to fly, to let go one more time!

My head flies sometimes,
but it is like fly by wire,
Still there is this over huge desire
to fly so hight, high, high,
so high over the sky and to the end of thoughts!

Than everything is clear,
what least of all are words,
like dust in summer,
everyone is throwing cautions to the winds,
just speaking not acting!

But not this time,
I want to take a stab in the dark,
and to fly again,
To fly, fly, fly,
So high, high, high,
Over the sky, furthermore the words
and to the end of our thoughts!

Time to make some art!


they say...like wine of foreign growth

I was not there, he told me the story,
I will not tell the truth, what will you do?
He was not there neither, but he told it to me!
Was it the truth? May it be true?

Just dreams, one holy and utterly stupid world,
they say the end is near, he asked me is there something else?
Such thoughts are extrinsic to him...
Nothing human is alien to me!
Is it true, could it be?

One mass acceleration moment of the core of my thought,
just a second, not even that!
sunset, summer nights, at nightfall just nyctophobia.
Again dreams instead of life, again atrocious fear,
should I change?
or die slowly like this?
or disappear...

Strange this man was? Alien he is,
like wine of foreign growth,
a visitor from abroad,
a candle he handle, the truth he seeks,
the world he razed!

Foreign this person is!
Not apprehensive, not anxious, not fearful,
a gloaming moment it was,
when I conceives, that man is me,
just an other movie whose end I had to see!



Ting, tink, tong, tik, tak, tak...
Me...just you and me
one more time,
once more and some faith!!!

Some pics I can t imagine right now without thinking of YOU!
I do!
one more time,
beer ME!
I think only of you,
my only one, my SchmuSIE!!!!

Monday, once more in a month!
Liberation from everything is just one kiss from you!
Stay in my bones-
YES you will!
Kiss, lips, stick, bones, hunt, I DO!!!

I...YEAH!!!! Do
Love you,
lovin, lovin, lovin BLUES!!!

This is my Schmusie song, oh Maria!
Buena Vista, Del Tiago, Revolta, Si Signor!
Whatever I love you SO!

Once more, one more time,
Ting, tink, tong, tik, tak, tak...
Me...just you and me and YOU
one more time,
once more and some faith!!!

Faith - it is our life together...



Sitting in the round,
at the round table,
faces, smiles, laughs!

Everyone s doing fine,
it`s just the rain,
fallin` down on the roads
an our heads...

Is everybody in?
Very fine,
it`s looking good.

It rains the whisper of luck,
just the two of us
and unfinished destiny ->

Dancing in the rain,
Swimming in the night,
Being drunk and ourselves,
It is the moon missing
and we both kissing...


Crawling human race

Is it fame, is it glory, is it the unstoppable wish to reach the stars,

is it the desire for knowledge, the unraveling of mysteries,

the exacting of understanding...

This trial is still pending.

We walked on the moon, we conquer every feeling,

just to come to this stage,

it is not a matter of time, it is a matter of anger,

the stupidity of man, and a fatal human rage.

Collapsing ever inward, we do it over 50 years from now on,

We made our fate, is it already to late?

To change the way we think, to change the way we live,

to change the people who already are made,

to have a different running mate...

When will intelligence replace ambition,

when will strong replace violence,

when will ardency replace relationship and connection,

when will humanity replace power?

If ever, the crawling human race will maybe than start walking straight again!


Bosnia is just a babe in the woods

Today I found again something out,
The country that choose me to be from,
is just a babe in the woods,
without constancy, always changing,
but since ever betting on the wrong number,

zaniness and ignorance, stupidity and gloomy faith that one day it will change!

I choose not to be any more from this country!
Even more because I am actually not, but since my country of origin not exist any more, what to do?


Finally it begins

Finally it begins... here is the new add from my new-old poetry blog ;) (but only in bosnian language)...


I hope you enjoy it (KO VEC RAZUMIJE)....



Hallo to everyone,

I am working right now on a new blog (I am actually rewriting my old poetry book, from the time when I was 16)... So I will make this before I will continued to write new poems in this blog...



Drunk 'n' over again

"one brutal, silly one"

We are just one step near the end of the world..
the border,
the star has f*ck me all over again,

I need my silence, just once more, a beer, before the breakfast,

keep this little bit of hope,
not today,
don't touch me today..
not after a night like this-
the one that follows..

I don't have any emperors clothes today for you..
NOT ANY MORE my darling...
We are just one step near the end of the world..
We are just one step to change what we are..

Just one step to convince us
that we actually are worth of anything...of everything!

We are the artist of tomorrow!!
F*cking drunk 'n' over again,
we have to be us,
proud of ourself...

Just few more English word!!!! in this not English world!
In this world, that belongs to us!
Where we ARE!
* for all my "friends" from the past, that think about me I guess less than I do about them...
CHEERS 'n' I love you, too of course!

We have not come here to cry!
Just to say it one more time,

... "Don't give me again this "SECERUSA-RAKIJA" drink again..." because tomorrow I will not be able to be able of anything!

"I am not a love animal, just a poor lover boy on the stage of life!"
Don't touch me today!
Tomorrow it will be different!


Sunday morning a cube of love 'n' hate

blowing with the wind,
the colorfull carpet...
whiteness below us,
and we inside,

the witnesses of meaning.

People around just lieing,
there is a war out there
people are dieing everywhere

but who actually cares?

the sun is rising...
we got our MOYO rising...
Just keep rising...

And blowing with that one,
even if we donot want to,
even if we got Jack.

People R a bunch of a cow

eating, sniffing, drinking,

but mostly...
still eating


it might be

So big the world is,
so nothing is all I could compeer with how deep I miss you!
And than this!
would be nothing indeed how much I do love you!



In the train of today,
the morning's almost gone,
you are more than love,
you are my only one.

How does it come that i miss you so,
there is so much we all go through,
it is hard 'n' impossible to ignore,
but harder to live without you!..

In the end it stays almost all over me...
People give each other so much, but I haven' lost anything, I have give you all, but received so much more...

All the love in this world and the love of you my M'n'C...my Marie Castel!


Meine Sucht nach Liebe und Trost

Hast du mir gegeben,
was ich verdient hab?
Hab ich verdient was du mir gibst?

Ich brauche dich bei mir...
Ich brauche dich um zu überleben,
Ich brauche dich vielleicht so wie du mich auch!

Keiner hier bei mir oder um mich herum,
keiner so zärtlich wie du,
und du bist auch nicht hier,

Nur ich und es graut, Nebel, Trostlos...
Ohne dich will die Welt auch nicht,
und ich mitten drin!

Du fehlst mir so sehr,
Ohne dich ist selbst das atmen schwer,
Das halb volle glas ist nun auch leer,

Ich werde überleben,
Doch nicht all zu sehr,
Denn lange ohne dich, ist selbst das Dasein so schwer...

Ohne dich zu sein,
Kein Glück, Nimmermehr!


the poem from the last night

...and yes it was a very great night...We talked over the phone and I just felt asleep with your voice in my ears and you were there - in my dreams - like every night, but the awaking this gray n sleepy morning it just hurt so much to know that you awake as myself alone...I miss you so much, so deep, so endless like I do love you! and this morning after few tears, because it hurts sometimes so much I took a strange looking pan and I wrote you this poem from the last night...or it have write itself trough me...

*not enough*

it is the time when you are not here
with me...
when you are in avignon but i am not there

in this time i have to much of everything
but not enough of you
i miss you so much

and the funny thing is
i want to be with you no matter what

because it is cruel not to be wit you
and i am asking myself
what am i doing here

and this feeling will disappear
when you come to me
when you come here

because i will never have enough of you
my little Schmusie a moi!


glass n love

like glass the love is very transparent put it keeps warm and it s just like magic!



fuer ein Tutor

die Augenblicke deut ich nicht
im Zug des Lebens
immer in Bewegung
die Gefuehle verlaufen sich...

Du, der mein Freund bist..
du bist nicht verkehrt
du hast eine Liebe
und die Frau die du verehrst
auch wenn sie nicht wircklich dein ist...

...das Leben atmet auf und wir sind mitten drauf,
im Zug des Lebens....

Gefuehle deute ich auch nie,
denn fuer manche ist es zu langsammmmm
fuer die anderen zu schnell.

MAn hoert oft - die Liebe ist leicht,
doch was leicht..leicht zu finden???
sie kann zwar die Menschen verbinden,
aber oftmals bleibt LEICHT
so ziehmlich UNERREICHT...

Finde es trozdem wunderbar,
auch wenn sie dich nicht liebt.
Geniesse unendlich das Gefuehl,
denn du begehrst sie doch fast zu viel...

Und auch wenn sie dich nicht will,
ist es auch sie, die dich formt...
zu dem macht was du bist,
und was du sein wirst...

fuer die Liebe,
denn sie kommt!!!


Du fehlst so sehr

Den Gedanken an dich versucht auszuspülen...
Ihn aus mir herauszuschreiben,
ich liebe dich und du fehlst mir so sehr
ohne auch nur zu übertreiben...

Du bist nicht da, das zerreißt mich,
das wiederkehrende Gefühl der Machtlosigkeit,
es ergreift mich...

Nur die Nacht überstehen, diese paar Stunden,
dann geht es meistens wieder
für eine Weile...
doch der Abend naht...und eine neue Zeile.

...in der du mir so unglaublich fehlst entsteht!

Ein Oktober...

Hey du... Stille, du Ruhe,
kannst du mich hören,
zwischen den Reihen meiner Zeilen spüren?

Dein Sklave, ich bin es,
der zu dir empor spricht,
hinauf steigt,
wie ein Soldat am Rande der Verzweifelung,
ohne das er sich verneigt...
das Volk zusehend – es schweigt!

„Ich sehe, ja spüre tue ich auch,
was du vorhast,
doch dazu gehören
mich mit den anderen einreihen,
das kann ich nicht...“

Du suchest nach Blut, mit feurigen Augen,
du siehst nur ein Funken, ein feuer-roten Punkt,
kurz vor dem Ende,
etwas vor dem Tod!

Wieder Stille, Hey ruhe...
Könnt ihr mich hören, zwischen den Zeilen lesen,
könnt ihr mich spüren?
Denn ich bin es, das Licht
Ich werde euch durch die Dunkelheit führen...

Obwohl ihr denn Weg schon kennt...
Sehr gut kennt!


I am standing in the field, cypresses all over it in the wind dancing…
Who am I???

I am standing, holding a gun in my hands
The hands covered with paint…

I am shaking and for a moment I become myself again
Afraid to look at my hands
I just feel the cold metal in it…

I am looking throw some kind of window and see the silhouette
of myself in the mirror
I see the cornfield and the cypresses blows away
A man is standing there, with a gun in his hands
But who am I?

For a moment I become myself again
I am looking throw the window and see the silhouette
The simulacrum of my face in the mirror and a shine

And the eco is all over the field, trow the sky, ruptures the cypresses
But I have missed the heart…

I am glad that I wasn’t Vincent van Gogh
And it stays just the shine…


actually means really now or?

I love you,
even if the rain is falling - or not
even if the sun is shinning - even if not
if you are by me, even if not
I do - still and ever love(s) you!

I miss you,
on a beatyfull day - sunny or not
even if the flowers smell,
when I hear a bell
even if not, I do love you,
and I miss you, yes I do!

You will be mine, because I am yours!

...and what to say else,
we belong together, not because we are,
but because we are!
also because we will be, and not only because we will be!
and we were...
still I do love you,
and you know it, like I do...
because you loves me, too,

..a perfect coupllllle - yes we do!


Svjetlost tanja...the light morning sorrow below

the big fish an his little cat - one friend not more...

Once I found her - I did...
the happy(est) man I become- - - I am now!!!!
But why do I not feel thees happyness???
Because she isn t here - far away oh yes
She is!!!
But soon
Here she will be, with me...
In my arms, with me...


One more time

Gently forced pure power of love
We can’t denied it even if we try
It is overwhelming and “shadowing” all over us
Here we stay like two kids in the yellow bus!

Where is your special friend?
Who will love you until the end?
The agony of knowing
The ecstasy of feeling
The moment is true – let’s just being!

Two people in the blue
Two souls stocking in the glue
Can You feel it
Can You see it?

I want to hear, one more time
Wanna feel, wanna see,
Just once more,
With You I want to bee!